Luna Park Preschools regular preschool program runs from September through June. We follow the SD #23 Christmas and Spring Break closures as well as statutory holidays such as Remembrance Day and Thanksgiving. Our hours of operation are from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Thursday. Upon enrollment, parents will receive a list of all scheduled closures as well be notified in the monthly newsletters.
Luna Park Preschool serves preschool ages three to five years. Incoming students must have reached their birthday by December 31 to be eligible for that years’ classes. For example, two-year olds must have reached the age of three by December 31st before they can participate in the class for three to four-year olds. If your child is not three until January, we offer a second intake of students in January providing that there is space available.
The best thing to do is to call the preschool and set up a time for you and your child to come have a tour. During the tour you will be able to ask any questions you may have and see just what our program has to offer. We are able to arrange tours during class times as well as after hours. If you are interested in registering, there is a $150 non-refundable registration fee due to secure your class of choice at which time you will receive your registration package.
Preschool fees are paid monthly via e transfer. Families are also more than welcome to pay their fees for the year or quarterly too if they prefer. Receipts for the first four months of preschool will be issued in December and then another issued in June for the last six months of preschool. Fees are based on a monthly enrollment and a commitment of 10 months (i.e. from September 2023 to June 2024).
If such circumstances arise where the preschool is not a suitable fit for your family and/or your family moves, we require 1 month’s written notice for your contract (i.e. if you no longer can attend in March, we require written notice no later than January 31st).
If you would like to apply for the ACCB (Affordable Child Care) benefit, we can get those forms to you with details of how to apply. You will be required to fill out an online application form. We ask that you apply early because we cannot claim the ACCB benefit until we have your child’s case ID #. Parents will still be required to pay one month’s fees until approval forms are sent to the preschool. Once approval is in, your monthly parent contribution will be totaled into 4 equal payments from Sept to December and then again, a new equal payment plan will be tallied from January to June. If paying via e transfer your fees will be expected in on the last day of each month (i.e Nov 1st fees will be sent via e transfer on October 31st).
We are very flexible and very accommodating with families with respect to payment and payment plans, all we ask is that one you make arrangements with us that you adhere to those arrangements.
We prefer that students enter our program toilet trained. However, if your child is not toilet trained, please talk to us. Toilet training should begin at home. When you feel your child is ready for this developmental step, we will be happy to support your efforts at school. Since it is common for a child to be distracted with activities at school, we simply ask that you send several changes of underwear and clothing. In our past experiences, this is something that is easily overcome and learned quite quickly when both the preschool and parents are using the same strategies. We are not equipped with changing facilities therefore we do not allow diapers. Also due to sanitary reasons we do not allow potty seats.
We are located at Raymer Elementary School on the corner of Richter St and Raymer Rd. Our classroom is located on the second floor of the historical Annex building. Parking is available alongside Richter St and the school fields as well on Raymer Rd. Security is very important therefore the doors to the preschool remain locked at all times and we require parents to ring the doorbell to gain access. Preschool teachers will open the door at 8:30 am and again at 2:00 pm for dismissal. If you arrive shortly after and a teacher is not at the door, simply ring the doorbell and we will let you in.
Children will enter the building on their own without parents but with the support of both Miss Erin and Miss Kristy. As well at the end of the day, teachers will bring the children down the stairs and to the front steps where parents will be waiting. Weekly updates will be sent home via email detailing all the learning and exploration that has been taking place in the classroom. As well, photos and reels of the children engaging in the classroom will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
We want to create a collaborative atmosphere at Luna Park Preschool, and that takes open lines of communication. Some of the best times to informally chat with your child’s teacher and learn about what we are doing in the classroom are before and after school.
If your child becomes ill at school, the preschool teacher will separate the child from the group and make him/her comfortable while we notify you to pick him/her up. Please keep your emergency contact numbers updated so that you may respond as quickly as possible to the needs of your child. Children may return to the program after being symptom and fever free for 24 hours. We do ask that once a parent and or emergency contact has been called that the child is picked up within a half an hour. For signs and symptoms to common childhood ailments and protocol, please refer to our Sickness & Illness policy in the family handbook.
Accidents sometimes happen at preschool. Our preschool teachers hold current certification in CPR and First Aid. In the event of an emergency, they will administer those skills appropriately. We will notify you of any action taken and contact you as soon as possible. In the event of a school or neighborhood evacuation (i.e. fire or gas leak) we will follow the Raymer Elementary Emergency Evacuation Plan and walk to Kelowna Secondary School and proceed to contact parents via cell phones.
If your child has something very special and amazing that they want to show their teachers and peers then yes they can bring it in and show it and then store it back safely in their backpacks, however bringing an item such as a tech deck or trading cards or Barbie in every day (a not so special item) does not need to come into the classroom and can remain in your vehicle or at home preferably.
Each child does have a coathook to keep their backpacks at, however, we do not recommend sending in special/expensive toys with your child—these have a tendency to get lost or broken. Although we try to monitor children’s belongings, our main concern is the safety and engagement of our students; we cannot guarantee the security of any child’s belongings and will not be held responsible for lost or damaged items.
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