What our time together looks like:
8:30 to 8:45 am
Arrival time. Children engage in free play.
8:50 am
Clean up time and get ready for outdoor time.
9:00 to 9:30 am
Outdoor time.
9:40 to 9:50 am
Bathroom break & Hand wash.
10:00 to 10:15 am
Group gathers for circle time where ideas are shared, songs are sung and an outline of the day ahead is discussed.
10:15 am
Group snack time which is open-ended. Once children are done eating and packed up they are encouraged to explore the room, have fun and create.
11:15 am
5 minute announcement for clean up time.
11:20 to 11:30 am
Clean up time.
11:30 to 11:45 am
Story time, which may include a game and a song or poem.
11:45 to 11:50 am
Bathroom break and children get ready for outdoor time.
12 Noon to 12:20 pm
Outdoor time or time in school gymnasium.
12:30 pm
Lunch time/time to finish remainder of your snacks.
12:50 to 1:30 pm
Free play and time to explore various open ended activities and art
1:30 to 1:40 pm
Clean up time.
1:45 pm
Final story time or closing circle to end the day.
2 pm
Teachers open front doors and children are dismissed for the day.
*It is important that parents know that this is only a general outline. The day varies according to the children’s response to certain activities. Some days more outdoor time is needed and other times we may be invited to participate in an assembly or activity that is put on by Raymer Elementary School.
Our curriculum always involves a variety of themes that are planned and based on the children’s interests and abilities, this may include one or all of the following, plus more! Art, dramatic play, block building, cooking, outdoor play, music movement, experiments etc.
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